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To the best of my knowledge, this music is in the public domain in the United States of America. I can not guarantee it to be in the public domain elsewhere. This music is not intended for distribution in any jurisdiction where it is not in the public domain. If you live in an area where this music is still protected under your copyright law, please do not download it!
Previously published ca. 1900 by Alphonse Leduc (Paris)
Gabriel Édouard Xavier Dupont , 1878/03/01 (Caen)‒1914/08/01 (Le Vésinet). Dupont entered the Paris Conservertory at the age of 15, where he studied composition with Massenet, harmony with Taudou, and descant with Gedalge. Later he studied organ with Guilmant and composition with Widor. Composed four operas, symphonic poems, chamber music, and several works for piano and for organ. Died of tuberculosis at the age of 36.
1. Les marchande de fleurs
Qui veut des fleurs, des fleurs?
J’en ai de toutes les couleurs!
J’ai de la pervenche,
Du lilas en branche,
Et du muguet blanc
Au grelot tremblant.…
2. Feuilles mortes
C’est un jour d’octobre très doux,
Dans l’or du couchant qui rayonne,
Làbas la colline aux flands roux
Repose, ainsi qu’une lionne.…
3. Ronde du lillas et de la rose
Pour danser, chantons quelque chose!
Fleur de lilas ou fleur de rose.
Quand on danse, on n’est jamais las.
Fleur de rose ou fleur de lilas?…
—Emile Blémont [Léon-Émile Petitdidier] (1839‒1927)
This Edition of Gabriel Dupont’s
Chansons normandes
Dean Crocker
is licensed under a
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Copyright © 2023 Dean Crocker d/b/a CROCKER MUSIC
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted without the express written consent of the publisher or the authors.
Last modified: Wed Jun 14, 09:52 CDT 2023