De Rerum Natura (2019)

• Orchestra
(2 fl [II dbl picc], 2 ob [II dbl corA], 2 cl (I dbl E-flat cl, II dbl bs cl), 2 bsn [II dbl contra], 4 hn, 3 tpt, 3 tbn, tuba, timp, perc, hp, strings),
Baritone voice and SATB choir. [Latin] 31′

―by Dean Crocker

Download a zipped PDF of the score and parts.

A setting of selected texts from the poem by Lucretius.

I. Science & Superstition
Æneadum genetrix, hominum divomque voluptas,
Alma Venus, cæeli subter labentia signa
Quæ mare navigerum, quæ terras frugiferentis
Quas ob res, ubi viderimus, nil posse creari
De nihilo: tum, quod sequimur, iam rectius inde
Perspiciemus; et unde queat res pqæque creari;
Et quo quæque modo fiant opera sine divom.

II. The Atomic Theory

III. The Eulogy on Epicurus
Ipse Epicurus obit decurso lumine vitæ
Qui genus humanum ingenio superavit, et omnis
Restinxit, stellas exortus ut æthereus sol…

IV. The Origin of Music
At liquidas auium voces imitarier ore
Ante fuit multo, quam levia carmina cantu
Concelebrare homines possent, auris que iuvare…

—Titus Lucretius Carus (fl. early 1st century BCE)

De Rerum Natura by Dean Crocker is offered to the public under a nonexclusive license.

  1. You are allowed to download and make copies of the score and of individual parts.
  2. You are allowed to distribute those copies of this score and parts on a non-commercial basis, that is to say, you may not charge for the copies, not even to recover your costs.
  3. You are not allowed to prepare any derivative work, (such as arrangements) unless you receive express permission from the copyright holder.
  4. All performances should be reported to and licensed by ASCAP (or the appropriate Performing Rights Society in your country) if the performance takes place in a venue that is normally licensed by such an organization.
  5. The copyright owner grants the right to record this work to everyone, but only if the recording is properly licensed by the Harry Fox Agency in the USA or by the appropriate agency for licensing mechanical rights in your country.
  6. The right to display this work online is reserved to Crocker Music. If you wish to use any information on this page, or the score, or the recording, you may only do so by linking to the current page.

Photo of Dean in Wien